Review: Yuru Camp

Think of any word that you would associate with the coziest feeling in the world. When I say cozy, I’m talking about that feeling where it’s below freezing and covered in snow outside and you’re inside a cabin in the woods, sitting next to a roaring fire on a fluffy and fuzzy rug, wearing your…

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Review: Violet Evergarden

June, 2018. I’m sitting in my cozy little apartment in the Pacific Northwest. Keeping in tradition with the nickname of “June-uary,” it’s cool and drizzling rain outside much like it does early in the year in the PNW. There are two things I can do on a Saturday with weather like this: I can take…

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Review: After the Rain

There are basically countless anime that deal with love. A lot of my favorites deal with it as one of the core themes. There are many variations, but they usually break down to boy meets girl, relationship builds through conflict and misunderstandings, conflict is resolved and a happily ever after. Some of them resolve conflict…

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